Deep Bay, Redang Island
Redang Island is one of the famous islands in Malaysia . Situated at Terengganu coastal area, where the nearest island is Perhentian, the beauty of both islands are comparable. The better sides of Redang are the provided infrastructure like centralize electrical power station, road, the village in the middle of the island, the transportation, the plane terminal and the considerable price of foods. Most of Redang beaches are broader and longer. Some of the beaches are suitable for swimming and water sports while the rest are suitable for fishing. At Redang, we can see the white beach at one side and the swamp and mangrove at the other.
Listening to the lecture given by the instructor |
On the day we arrived at Redang Island (June 12, 2011), we were taught on how to protect ourselves from dangerous sea creatures such as jellyfish and sea urchin. The instructor also taugh us on how to give an instant medical treatment if in case we were stung. This skillful instructor showed us a few type of leaves that grow at the seashore, that can be use as a remedy. A leaf namely 'aeroplane leaf' is very effective in curing cuts and wound, by preventing the bacteria growth. I listened to the lecture but my eyes were more focused to the beauty of the surroundings.
My colleagues laughed when I said that I wanna bring the sand home.. |
The sand is so far the whitest I've ever seen. It looks more like the talc than the sand. |
We started the warm-up session |
I've been to many beaches in my life, this beach is the most unforgetable beach in my memory. All because of the whiteness ane pureness. There were many coconut trees and they sway rhythmically following the wind breeze. The wheather was so-so and the waves were gentle. Well, I just can't take out this nostalgic memory from my heart.
Water confident activity -where everybody needs to float facing the sky. |
Later, we were asked to go into the water for the water confident activity. At first I though this was the worst part because at that time I was yet learn how to swim. But later I found that the activity was not too bad, I managed to master it eventually.
This photo is taken at daytime but using a different camera function (night mode), I save it bcoz think I looks so unique. |
Nice photo of Yeap Sock Bee (my chinese colleague) walk at the beach |
My friend, Effa and Nisha posing at the beach wearing their life jacket. |
My sister and I on the fishing boat |
After the activity, we were so tired and planning to call it a day when the instructor offered us to go fishing that night. That was the worst decicion I've ever made. My sister and I agreed to follow but its turned-out that only two of us the girls who joined the mission . At first the whether was okay and we were fishing happily. My friend got sea-sick and vomited badly. All of a sudden, the whether started to change . The rain dropped and the boatmen suddenly looked worried, but they remain quiet. They packed all the fishing gadgets hurriedly and started the boat's engine. We looked at them confusingly. They drove us back to the jetty very rapidly that the rain and sea water poured inside the boat. It was so dark and we saw nothing. The boat itself moves rampagingly and barely touched the water. I feel like we're flying in the air, with the salty water dashed to my face . We were totally wet. According to the boatmen, we were caught in a storm and it was very dangerous. Somehow, we arrived safely. We went back to our room to find out that other roomates were already doze-off. We took bath and slip to our bed grievely, trying to figure out the 'unforgetable moment' chronologically. Everything happened very fast, as though we're dreaming. Outside, the rain was like cats and dogs. Inside the room the air-cond temperature was very low. We were freezed on our bed and barely closed our eyes.I felt relief and grateful to Allah SWT that nothing bad happened to all of us that night.
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